evidence β The Untethered & Prosperous Podcast Network
Become Untethered and Be ProsperousThu, 18 Aug 2022 00:48:56 +0000en-US
1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3https://untetheredandprosperous.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/cropped-UP-Logo-for-Dark-Backgrounds-2-color-32x32.pngevidence β The Untethered & Prosperous Podcast Network
3232Episode #83 β Evidence of Happiness Coming | The Twigs and Birds Phenomena
https://untetheredandprosperous.com/podcast/episode-83-evidence-of-happiness-coming-the-twigs-and-birds-phenomena/#respondThu, 25 Feb 2021 04:33:00 +0000https://untetheredandprosperous.com/podcast/episode-83-evidence-of-happiness-coming-the-twigs-and-birds-phenomena/In the quest for new worlds in the form of new land, many explorers found themselves lost with only hope to cling onto. How they clung on to hope was in the form of feedback or evidence that they were going in the right direction. Those seeking land would look for land based clues and if found, gave them hope that they were going in the right direction. Our journey towards Happiness and greater states of Happiness is no different. If endeavored for too long without feedback or evidence that what weβre doing is getting us there, it can lead to burn out and ultimately increased states of UnHappiness. This episode explores how we can make sure to consistently stay on the right path and what evidence to watch out for so that we can keep progressing in our journey towards the creating the Happiness Lifestyle we each uniquely want and deserve. Enjoy!