The Money Story Podcast

All Episodes

Episode #56 – “Money Stories from a Financial Advisor” with guest the Lumen Wealth Group

Join us in this exclusive interview with the Lumen Wealth Group as we discuss money stories and all kinds of cool financial and wealth planning.

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Episode #55 – The “Avoid Money At All Cost” Money Story with guest Laurie Chin Sayres

Have you avoided things in your business because of fear? Fear of not trusting yourself and avoiding the things that need to be done is a great example of Money Anxiety! Let’s talk to Laurie Chin Sayres and how this affected her business and a few…

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Episode 54 – The “I Don’t Deserve Money” Story with guest Violet Takacs

You don’t deserve money, money story with Violet Takacs. Violet is co-owner and manager of a high tech chiropractic office specializing in Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression and correct spinal problems. She also has created a business with fragrances:…

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Episode 53 – “The ‘All Rich People Are Bad’ Story” with guest Chi Ni

Chi Ni is Owner of Straight “A” Consulting! Chi realized that, after 10 years of being an educational consultant, education isn’t something just for “kids”. It’s something that we all need to grow. It’s not about learning math, and science (and yes…

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Episode 52 – “Creating Money Your OWN Way” with guest Apryl Schlueter

In this episode we’re talking with Apryl Zarate Schlueter the Chief Energy! Officer of The Cheerful Mind, Inc. — a happiness and productivity coach, speaker, author of Finding Success in Balance: My Journey to The Cheerful Mind, and host of the show,…

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Episode 51 – Losing It All To Rebuild A Better Business with guest Stephanie Green

Our interview today is with Stephanie Green of Green Lending Team in the South Bay! Stephanie is a trusted and knowledgeable mortgage loan advisor with a successful 10 year track record of great client and realtor partner relationships in the South…

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Episode 50 – “Work ON Your Business Not IN It” with guest Holden Zalma

Joining us today is Holden Zalma founder of MetaTouch ( )Therapeutic Massage & Wellness Center in Culver City, CA. Holden began his career as an assistant athletic trainer at the University of Southern California (U.S.C.),…

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Episode 49 – “Turning Setback Into Stepping Stones For Success” with guest Nicole Jansen

We’re excited to talk with Nicole Jansen, Founder & CEO of Discover The Edge!

Over the past 30 years, Nicole Jansen has empowered thousands of entrepreneurs to transform their ideas into a highly profitable and rewarding business. One that is fueled…

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Episode 48 – “Dress Your Business To Impress” with guests Blu Echo Design

Today we’ll talk to Kat Maurus and Lisa Baker co-founders of Blue Echo Design! We’ll discuss how to invest in your brand identity!

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