In this world, societal pressure is inevitable. Different people with different perspectives say that we should do it “this way” or “that way” – but when they do, we start to ask ourselves, “But is it really in alignment with my direction and purpose in life?”
Today’s episode is all about that – figuring out your true purpose in life and making sure that the work you’re putting in is how you’re meant to make an impact in the world!
And thanks to today’s guest, Juli Wenger, you’re in for a thought-provoking and philosophical treat! Juli is a Coach, Author, Speaker and Podcaster, who is passionate about helping you live a life that is Fired Up, Fulfilled and Free (and yes, she’s dropping those F bombs!)
In this episode, she talks about her journey and how she helps people understand who they are, why they’re on this earth and getting them out of their own way so they can live the life they’re called to.
Episode Highlights:
- Detaching from other people’s “should”
- Why being prosperous means more than being abundant in money
- Juli’s life journey and what it’s like to find her true calling
- How perception management ties into impostor syndrome, people pleasing and one’s ego
- Juli’s next big leap and untethering
- What Juli’s upcoming book is all about
Get to know her better!
- Schedule a clarity call with Juli at www.juliwenger.com
- Buy Juli’s book: Fired-up, Fulfilled, and Free
- Connect with Juli via Instagram @juliwenger
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