Are you feeling stuck in your 9 to 5 job? Do you want to BREAK FREE and build your own business?
In today’s episode, we talk to Tammy Johnston, a “hold your hand and kick some ass” Business Coach who left her finance corporate job to start her own business and help fellow entrepreneurs pursue what they’re really passionate about – building successful businesses of their own!
Tammy Johnston is a speaker, educator, business woman and author, who has been helping solopreneurs, entrepreneurs and small businesses prosper and become sustainable for over 20 years. Tammy believes that business done right involves learning the basic, fundamental, foundational skills you need to first survive and eventually THRIVE.
Tune in as she talks about her old sales job that she hated, how she untethered from this traditional path and built her own thriving business while coaching fellow entrepreneurs to succeed!
Episode Highlights:
– What it means for Tammy to become untethered: Having the freedom to make choices
– Being prosperous and what it means to become financially stable
– The reason why newbie entrepreneurs are failing in their businesses – and it’s not because of their products!
– Why making mistakes is the best way to learn and grow
– Tammy’s biggest challenge in her career and how she turned it around
– Tammy’s advice to budding entrepreneurs who are stuck in their 9 to 5 and want to make that big leap
– Why we can’t neglect emotions and deal with it instead when it comes to building a business
Get to know her better!
– Check out Tammy’s website at ksabusiness.ca
– Check out Tammy’s FREE Solopreneur Self-Assessment at ksabusiness.ca/gift
– Connect with Tammy on Instagram @ksa.business
– Connect with Tammy on Facebook @ksabusiness.ca
– Connect with Tammy via LinkedIn at KSA Business.ca
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