Loneliness is a very a real thing when you find yourself hungry and craving for more than how you’ve been raised to believe that you can have as a business or life.
Have you ever felt like there was no one you could talk to about what you’re passionate about?
Or maybe you felt alone in your desire for more than what you’ve achieved thus far?
And maybe you’ve learned to fear connecting with anyone about what you TRULY WANT in life because of past experiences of being judged for speaking your truth?
Wei is not stranger to struggles of feeling alone in a world of this journey of becoming Untethered & Prosperous DESPITE there being MILLIONS of people on that same journey.
The key is to recognize what is actually happening and then to have the courage to go on your OWN Hero’s Journey to not be alone anymore. Make sure you listen to this episode if any of this resonates with you…it’s real…and it’s good. 🙂
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