The Fear of Failure is one of the most common “fears” human beings as a whole struggle with.
In the world of Entrepreneurship, it is even more magnified and triggering because so much of our journey as Entrepreneurs is around achievement and accomplishment.
And because our livelihoods are directly impacted by our ability to succeed and “Not Fail”…it becomes even more challenging to reconcile and resolve.
In this episode of The Untethered Wei we dive deep into how to get to the root of how we help our students and clients resolve this fear. And it may not be what you think it is and how it’s done.
Check it out and if you like it…guaranteed that you and almost everyone you know could benefit from this strategy to Untether from this very common fear.
The Untethered & Prosperous Podcast Exclusive Free Training: https://bit.ly/UNP-Free-Training